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KAZ Minerals' reputation and the trust and confidence of those with whom it deals and with the communities in which it operates are amongst its most vital assets.
The Group has in place an ABC Compliance Programme (the 'Programme') to assist in the prevention of unlawful activities by individuals or Group entities and to comply with the requirements of the UK Bribery Act 2010. The Board has a firm stance on bribery and corruption and attaches the utmost importance to the Programme in clarifying the standards expected of all employees of the Group, wherever it conducts business.
The foundation of the Programme is the ABC Code, below which there is a subset of policies which provide a process for operating in accordance with the Programme in specific situations. These policies include the procedure for dealing with public officials, the giving and receipt of gifts and hospitality, the due diligence processes to be carried out on third-party business partners and policies on conflicts of interest, lobbying and government relations, social investment and Speak Up. Regular training in ABC and awareness campaigns are carried out across the Group. Monitoring and assurance of processes is carried out by Internal Audit and by external advisors. Anti-bribery and corruption clauses are included in contracts with the Group's business partners.
The Group undertakes due diligence on potential suppliers, customers, consultants, agents, distributors and other business partners to check they are suitable to do business with, are reputable and ethical and do not commit or engage in any form of bribery or corruption. New business partners complete an ABC questionnaire in which they need to include at least two business referees amongst other information. If the Group has a continued relationship with a business partner, the questionnaire is updated periodically.
During 2023, new employees received induction training, existing employees received ABC refresher training and online testing was carried out to ensure there was a good understanding of the Programme within the Group as well as of the Group's ABC policies. A number of the policies can be viewed on the Group's website at
Download The Group Anti-Bribery and Corruption Code